DaWally Yoga Studio

Parker Dunbar


Project Description
It started as a conversation on a first date. It ended with a unique yoga studio and a marriage proposal. We built a timber framed 192 square foot yoga studio from locally sourced standing dead timber. The primary use of this building is for Jillayne to teach yoga to her students. Parker also loves to practice in DaWally with his fiancé. All of the trees for the project came from a local forestry project 25 minutes away. All of the timbers as well as the floors were burnt and brushed for looks and function. Jillayne learned to operate the LT15GO completely on her own. She also learned how to cut joinery and raise a timber frame. Parker learned a lot more about yoga.

Total Board Feet

Finished Dimensions
12'x16', 192sqft

Money Saved

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